Spiral Journey Facilitator Training in the
Work That Reconnects

Together with Mutima Imani and Constance Washburn, I offer facilitator training and ongoing support through our educational organization Spiral Journey. Every year, we train around 60 emerging facilitators in the Work That Reconnects with a strong focus on anti-oppression and decolonization work. 

The Spiral Journey International Facilitator Development Program supports emerging and experienced facilitators in deepening their theoretical understanding of the Work That Reconnects and developing their skills in facilitation so they feel confident in bringing the Work to their communities. The program gives special attention to social justice issues and reframing the Work That Reconnects so it can serve to dismantle oppression and foster liberation for all.

The Spiral Journey International Facilitator Development Program is a 6-month online intensive. It is offered annually beginning in September and ending in March.

Please support our work by making a tax-deductible donation to our scholarship fund.

People from all over the world are dedicating their lives and their work to the Great Turning. In these times of economic, social and environmental uncertainty more applicants are requesting financial help.

We prioritize scholarships for People of the Global Majority and others who have been impoverished and oppressed by the dominant socio-economic system.

What is the Work That Reconnects?

The Work That Reconnects is a powerful form of group work pioneered in the 1970s by ecophilosopher Joanna Macy that demonstrates our interconnectedness in the web of life and our authority to take action on its behalf. It has helped many thousands around the globe find insight, solidarity, and courage to act, despite rapidly worsening conditions. Based on systems theory, deep ecology, and indigenous, Buddhist, and mystic spiritual teachings, its methods are described in Coming Back to Life, by Joanna Macy and Molly Young Brown.