What is… Psychosynthesis, Ecopsychology, the Work That Reconnects?




 Psychosynthesis is a transpersonal psychology based on the work of Roberto Assagioli, M.D. (1888-1974) that seeks to integrate all the dimensions of human life: physical, emotional, mental, interpersonal, social, ecological, and spiritual.  [more]

The Work That ReconnectsA powerful form of group work pioneered in the 1970s by ecophilosopher Joanna Macy that demonstrates our interconnectedness in the web of life and our authority to take action on its behalf. It has helped many thousands around the globe find insight, solidarity, and courage to act, despite rapidly worsening conditions. Based on systems theory, spiritual teachings, and deep ecology, its methods are described in Coming Back to Life, by Joanna Macy and Molly Young Brown. [more]

Ecopsychology explores ways of healing the alienation of humans from nature, to build a sane and sustainable society.  Ecopsychologists understand that although the human psyche is shaped by the modern social world, humans originally evolved in the wider natural world.  Our understanding of mental health must include our relationship to other species and to the ecosystems that sustain life, because we are dependent on healthy nature physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

Deep Ecology – Our interdependence with all life of Earth has profound implications for our attitudes and actions. To clarify these implications, and free us from behaviors based on outmoded notions of our separateness from nature, deep ecology arose, both as a philosophy and a movement. The term was coined in the 1970’s by Norwegian philosopher Arne Naess, a mountain climber and scholar of Gandhi. [more]

Systems Thinking General Systems Theory (GST), arising out of the biological sciences, attempts to map general principles for how all systems work, especially living systems.  Instead of examining phenomena by attempting to break things down into component parts, GST explores phenomena in terms of dynamic patterns of relationship.  This shift in focus–from things frozen in time to dynamic, ever-changing relationships–underlies systems thinking. [more]
